refunds are issued for dropping individual courses.
Refund will be mailed or distributed
through direct deposit weekly.
No refunds will be made to students who withdraw from the College without filing
official withdrawal forms with the Registrar’s Office, nor will refunds be made to
students dropping individual courses after the last day to register.
Refunds for textbooks are processed through the college bookstore in accordance
with policies published in the Student Handbook.
For fee payment purposes, Darton State College is required, under the guidelines
established by the Regents of the University System of Georgia, to determine the residence
classification of all applicants/students of Darton State College. The following rules have
been adopted by the Board of Regents for this purpose:
1. If a person is 18 years of age or older, he or she may register as a resident student only
upon showing that he or she has been a legal resident of Georgia for a period of at least
twelve months immediately preceding the date of registration.
No emancipated minor or person 18 years of age or older shall be deemed to have
gained or acquired in-state resident status for fee purposes while attending any
educational institution in this State, in the absence of a clear demonstration that he or
she has in fact established legal residence in this State.
2. If a person is under 18 years of age, he or she may register as a resident only upon
showing that his or her supporting parent or guardian has been a legal resident of
Georgia for a period of at least twelve months immediately preceding the date of
3. A full-time employee of the University System and his or her spouse and dependent
children may register on the payment of resident fees.
4. Non-resident graduate students who hold teaching or research assistantships requiring
at least one-third time service may register as students in the institution in which they
are employed on payment of resident fees.
5. Full-time teachers in the public schools of Georgia and their dependent children may
enroll as students in the University System institutions on the payment of resident fees.
6. All aliens shall be classified as non-resident students provided, however, that an alien
who is living in this country under an immigration status permitting permanent residence
shall have the same privilege of qualifying for resident status for fee purposes as a
citizen of the United States.
7. Foreign students who attend institutions of the University System under financial
sponsorship of civic or religious groups located in this State may be enrolled upon the
payment of resident fees, provided the number of such foreign students in any one
institution does not exceed the quota approved by the Board of Regents for that
8. If the parents or legal guardian of a minor changes his or her legal residence to another
state following a period of legal residence in Georgia, the minor may continue to take
courses for a period of twelve consecutive months on the payment of resident fees.
After the expiration of the twelve-month period, the student may continue registration
only upon the payment of fees at the non-resident rate.