Section Five
All fees are payable before the beginning of each semester, and registration is not
complete until these fees have been paid. Payment must be made by cash, check, money
order, credit card (cash advance to which bank will add interest and service charge) or a
confirmed financial aid award. Registration is complete for students paying by check when
the check clears the bank.
Application Processing Fee -
A fee of $20 must accompany each application for
admission to credit and Learning Support courses. This fee is not refundable and does not
apply toward registration or matriculation fees. Online applications have a fee of $25.00.
Matriculation Tuition -
The tuition for 15 or more semester hours of credit or Learning
Support courses is $1,298.00 in addition to other fees. For less than 15 hours it is $86.54
per semester hour. The cost to audit a course is the same as the cost to enroll for credit.
Online-Only Tuition –
For Online-only students the tuition for 15 or more semester hours
of credit is $1,875 in addition to other fees. For less than 15 hours, it is $125 per semester
hour in addition to other fees. Online-only students are exempt from Non-Resident Fees,
Student Activity Fees, and Athletic Fees. Students who do not attend any classes on the
main campus or at any off-campus class site and who reside outside the College’s 14 county
service area, including out-of-state students, are eligible for classification as Online-Only.
Non-Resident Fee –
Students who attend classes on the main campus – or at an off-
campus site - and who are not residents of Georgia will be charged a non-resident fee tuition.
Non-resident students registering for 15 or more credit hours will be charged a non-resident
fee tuition of $4,911 per semester in addition to all other fees. Those registering for less than
15 hours will pay $327.40 per semester hour in addition to all other fees. Online-Only
students residing outside the Darton State College service area are exempt from the non-
resident fee – regardless of Legal Residence Status.
(See Definition of Legal Resident in this catalog.)Board of Regents Fee –
Students will pay $200.00 for the Board of Regents fee.
Applied Music Fee -
A fee of $150 per semester is charged for each one hour per week
of private instruction in voice, organ, piano, or orchestral instrument for regularly enrolled
part-time or full-time college students. A fee of $75 per semester is charged for each 1/2
hour per week of private instruction in voice, organ, piano or orchestral instrument.
Art Fees –
A fee of $50.00 is charged to each student registering for ART 2111 Basic
Photography, ART 2140 Ceramic I, ART 2150 Computer Art, ART 2160 Visual Design, and
ART 2200 Professional Practice and Portfolio. If these courses are taken online, the $50 fee
is not assessed.
Athletic Fee
- Each student taking credit or Learning Support courses of 4 hours or more
will be charged an athletic fee of $110 per semester. This fee is used to defray expenses of
intercollegiate athletics. Online-Only students residing outside the Darton State College
service area are exempt from the Athletic Fee.
DART Fee – A fee of $18.00 is charged to every student.