2153 Theories of Terrorism: Analysis through Case Studies
The course will present a format of the most sophisticated theories by the best
terrorist analysts in the world, while still focusing on the domestic and international
threats of terrorism and the basic security issues that surround terrorism today.
Students will demonstrate their understanding of the strategies and principles
gained through previous courses by conducting an analysis of these articles in the
context of current U.S. strategies and programs.
Prerequisite: HSEC 2127, the US Intelligence Community: Links to HSEC.
Corequisite: None.
Technology: 100% online.
Offered: On demand.
2159 Information Security (INFOSEC)
Information security transcends all national borders and reaches out from the
global network. Whether at the local, state or national level and including the
private sector, critical information must be shared across internet and intranet as
a principal part of required daily procedures. As a result, these institutions are
vulnerable to cyber attacks by domestic and international terrorists, as well as
foreign business competitors. The presentation of intrusion, data theft and data
loss is paramount to maintaining the security of public infrastructure, protecting
sensitive information and providing external services to both the private and public
sector. This course will examine topics such as asset identification, human factors,
compliance with regulations, personnel security, risk assessment and ethical
considerations as well as computer and network security tools and methods. It will
provide an up-to-date look at the whole range of security and information topics.
In post-9/11 times, managers and IT Professionals need to address a wide range
of security-related issues, and develop security systems that take all these diverse
factors into account.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: HSEC 2109.
Technology: 100% online.
Offered: On demand.
2164 Corporate Security
This course outlines the essential roles of corporate and municipal managers and
demonstrates the importance of their relationships with federal, state and local
government agencies as well as public and private community sectors in
conducting emergency planning. The focus is on proactively planning for
emergencies, particularly in the recognition and advance coordination of response
to incidents instead of simply implementing emergency measures. Topics include
the overall scope of comprehensive emergency planning; the types of hazards and
risks faced by emergency response personnel, as well as the public, in typical
emergencies; provide specific recommendations regarding the immediate and
long-term health and safety of emergency response personnel. Finally,
coursework will discuss a range of issues that must be given special attention in
the development and implementation of any emergency response plan including:
hazard and risk reduction, decontamination, data and information management,
monitoring strategies and devices, terrorism and the training of emergency
response personnel.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: HSEC 2109.
Technology: 100% online.
Offered: On demand.