2001 Intermediate Japanese I
JAPN 2001 is a continuation of JAPN 1002 and includes intermediate grammar,
expansion of vocabulary and continued practice in conversation, writing, and
reading and further extension of Japan related issues.
Prerequisite: JAPN 1002 with a grade of C or higher or equivalent.
Offered: Fall.
2002 Intermediate Japanese II
JAPN 2002 is a continuation of JAPN 2001 and includes intermediate grammar,
expansion of vocabulary and continued practice in conversation, writing and
reading, and advancing knowledge of Japan related issues.
Prerequisite: JAPN 2001 with a grade of C or higher or equivalent.
Offered: Spring.
1000 Journalism Practicum
This course is a practicum through which students do the planning, research,
writing, editing, and lay-out necessary to publish a newspaper or produce
television content. JOUR 1000 is open to students taking news writing and
reporting and to students working with campus media outlets (as approved by a
Journalism advisor.) JOUR 1000 may be taken each semester, but the credit does
not substitute for other journalism courses required in the journalism degree
NOTE: Up to three hours of JOUR 1000 will count toward a degree.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: On demand.
1100 Introduction to Mass Communication
This course is also listed as COMM 2230.
JOUR 1100 is a survey of the field of mass communication, including newspapers,
magazines, radio, television, cable television, and public relations and advertising,
with emphasis on the historical development, current practices and future trends
of these media.
Prerequisite: None.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1110 News Writing
This course is also listed as COMM 2235.
JOUR 1110 is an introductory course in writing for the mass media, with emphasis
on gathering, writing and reporting for newspapers and broadcast media.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101.
Offered: Fall.
1111 Writing for Television, Radio and the New Media
This course teaches students to write for a variety of genres and media. Includes
discussions of how and why journalism has evolved from newspapers and
broadcast in the 20
century to newspapers, broadcast, cable, and the social
media in the 21
century. The course will also provide instruction and practice in
writing for social media and instruction in how people access, use, and produce
news. Careful attention will be given to the interactive nature of today’s reporting
and blogging.
Prerequisite: ENGL 1101.
Corequisite: None.
Offered: Spring.