2903 International Perspectives
This course is designed to enhance and enrich the educational experience of
students who travel abroad in a program sanctioned by Darton State College. It
will provide students with an introduction to the culture(s) to be visited, an
understanding and appreciation of the importance of the specific sites on the
itinerary, and orientation to some of the cultural/social/political issues specific to
the area. This course requires 45 academic hours of instruction.
Prerequisite: None.
Corequisite: Enrollment in (one of) the travel abroad program(s) sanctioned by
Darton State College.
Offered: On demand.
2001 Foundations of Life/Earth Science
This course is an Area F science course for students studying Early Childhood
Education. This course will emphasize the understanding and use of the major
concepts of life and earth science, including the characteristics and
interdependence of life, and the major earth systems. As a general theme,
strategies of investigating science will be used and discussed in the context of
various topics.
This course may only be used as an Area F course for Early Grades Education
Plans of study.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of one Area D Science Course.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: All semesters.
2002 Foundations of Physical Science
This course is an Area F science course for students studying Early Childhood
Education. This course will emphasize the understanding and use of the major
concepts of physical science, including physics and chemistry. As a general
theme, strategies of investigating science will be used and discussed in the context
of various topics.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of one Area D Science course.
Corequisites: None.
Offered: All semesters.
1001 Elementary Japanese I
JAPN 1001 is an Introduction to Japanese language, both spoken and written, and
orientation to Japanese culture.
Prerequisite: READ 0099, ENGL 0099, ENGL 0989 or satisfactory English scores
to place into co-requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: Fall, Spring.
1002 Elementary Japanese II
JAPN 1002 is a continuation of JAPN 1001 and includes expansion of vocabulary
and grammar, and practice in conversation, writing, and reading, as well as
advancing knowledge of Japan related issues.
Prerequisite: JAPN 1001 with a grade of C or higher or equivalent.
or equivalent.
Offered: Spring.