MATH 1111 College Algebra
This course is a functional approach to algebra that incorporates the use of applied
technology. Emphasis will be placed on the study of functions and their graphs,
inequalities, and linear, quadratic, piece-wise defined, rational, polynomial,
exponential and logarithmic functions. Appropriate applications will be included. A
graphing calculator is required. Students receiving credit for MATH 1111 cannot
receive credit for MATH 1001.
Prerequisite: MATH 0099, MATH 0989 or satisfactory math scores to place into co-
requisite remediation or higher.
Offered: All semesters.
MATH 1112 Trigonometry
This course covers trigonometric functions. The topics include identities, solutions
of triangles, complex numbers, conics, and vectors. A graphing calculator is
required. Students receiving credit for MATH 1112 cannot receive credit for MATH
Prerequisite: MATH 1111 or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: All semesters.
MATH 1113 Pre-Calculus
This course is designed to prepare students for calculus, physics, and related
technical subjects. Topics include an intensive study of algebraic and
transcendental functions accompanied by analytic geometry. A graphing calculator
is required. Students receiving credit for MATH 1113 cannot receive credit for
MATH 1112.
Prerequisite: MATH 1111 or one year of high school trigonometry and satisfactory
score on math placement test or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: Spring , Fall.
MATH 1145 Survey of Calculus
This is a survey of Calculus for students in non-science curriculums. The topics
include limits, derivatives, integrals, logarithmic and exponential functions. A
graphing calculator is required. Students receiving credit for MATH 1145 cannot
receive credit for MATH 1151.
Prerequisite: MATH 1111, MATH 1101 or 1113.
Offered: Spring, Fall.
MATH 1151 Calculus I with Geometry
This is the first of a three semester sequence in Calculus. Calculus I covers topics
from analytical geometry, limits, derivatives of algebraic, trigonometric and
exponential functions, and basic integration. A graphing calculator is required.
Students receiving credit for MATH 1151 cannot receive credit for MATH 1145.
Prerequisite: MATH 1112 or MATH 1113 or consent of Division Dean.
Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer.
MATH 1401 Introduction to Statistics – eCore only
The course is a course in basic statistics. Topics include descriptive statistics,
probability, distributions, hypothesis testing, inferences, correlation, and regression.
Prerequisites: Math 1101 Mathematical Modeling, 1111 College Algebra, or 1113
Precalculus or approved equivalent.
MATH 1501 Calculus – eCore only
Topics to include functions, limits, continuity, the derivative, antidifferentiation, the
definite integral, and applications.
Prerequisites: Math 1113 - Pre-calculus or its equivalent.