Section Nine
The College offers the following instructional programs and services in keeping with its philosophy
and purpose.
Transfer Programs.
Two-Year Associate of Arts (A.A.) Degree in the core curriculum and
Associate of Science (A.S.) Degree in the core curriculum are offered. The guided pathways
provided in the catalog should only be used as advising guides for future study at a four year
transfer institution. Students should consult with an advisor and the transfer institution for
specific degree requirements.
(a) College Transfer Program
- Freshman and sophomore courses are offered for most
bachelor degree objectives for students who intend to transfer after two years to a senior
institution. Students in transfer Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree programs
follow a Core Curriculum established by the Board of Regents of the University System of
Georgia. The core curriculum is designed to facilitate the transfer of credit among the schools
within the University System.
(b) General Studies
- If students are undecided as to their guided pathway, or guided
pathway is not otherwise listed, but a transfer to a baccaluerette degree program is desired,
they are advised to follow this guided pathway. Students interested in social science or
humanities pathways may also choose to pursue a guided pathway in liberal arts.
Career Programs.
The two-year Associate of Science Degree is offered in programs, which
require two years of specialized training in a Health Sciences career. These include Dental
Hygiene, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Emergency Medical Services, Health Information
Technology, Histologic Technology, Medical Laboratory Technology, Nursing, Occupational
Therapy Assistant, Physical Therapist Assistant, and Respiratory Care and Radiologic
The two-year Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) Degree is offered in programs which
require two years of specialized training in a career or occupational specialty and are
designed to prepare students for immediate employment.
Programs shall include a minimum of 21 semester credit hours of general education. This
coursework must include components designed to develop oral and written communication,
reading computational skills, fundamental mathematics skills and the basic use of computers.
At least one course from each of the following areas is required: the humanities/fine arts, the
social/behavioral sciences, and natural sciences/mathematics.
Certificate Programs.
The College is authorized to award certificates for completion of the
following one-year programs: Addiction Counseling, Business Computer Systems, Church
Music, Emergency Medical Technician and Service, Graphic Design, Histotechnician,
Instructional Technology, Medical Coding, Legal Assistant/Paralegal and Phlebotomy.
Learning Support Program.
Those students who have scores below specified levels on the
COMPASS test (below 60 - English, below 74 - Reading, 37 (or 47 dependent upon the
major) - Algebra) or comparable College Placement Examination scores are placed in courses
to remediate their basic skills deficiencies. Enrolled students must attain specified skill levels
in reading, writing, and computation before pursuing college level work in the basic skills
(See Learning Support Requirements.)