Cooperative Education.
The Cooperative Education Program, also known as
Occupational Experience Program is designed to give students the opportunity to earn college
credit for their work experience. In this program, students work in a plan of study-related job
part-time or full-time while attending Darton State College. Credit is awarded based upon the
number of hours worked per week.
The objectives of Cooperative Education at Darton State College are:
1. To provide relevant work experience for students to test their career interest.
2. To give first hand contact with the occupational environment, to learn needed skills, and to
understand the human and technical requirements for productive work and development.
3. To provide meaning and motivation for academic studies.
A student may earn a total of six credit hours for the Cooperative Education Program. It is
recommended the student complete 15 semester hours and maintain a 2.0 G.P.A. before job
placement. Interested students are urged to contact the cooperative Education Office at 317-
6898, located in the Business/Social Science Division, before the beginning of the semester.
Please contact the Cooperative Education Office for more information.
Public Services and Special Programs.
- The College is authorized to award appropriate certificates for successful
completion of planned objectives requiring less than two years of study.
Counseling and Academic Advising Services.
These services are provided to all students
involved in any of the programs offered, both day and evening.
(See Student Affairs, D - Minority Advising Program and below.)B. ADVISING
Darton State College recognizes the importance of a thorough program of academic advising. While
it is ultimately the responsibility of the students to select and follow a program of study which will
lead to their academic objectives, the College provides a structure of academic advising to assist
Academic advising is coordinated by Enrollment Management. Students are assigned to a
department for advising according to their stated program of study. They are then re-assigned to the
most appropriate faculty member within that department who will assist them in planning their
program of study each semester. All students are assigned advisors within their area of study;
however, students who have undeclared plans of study tend to go to the Advising Center. Students
may change advisors for personal or academic reasons by consultation with the Dean/Chair of their
plan of study division.
Academic advisors
are available to help students with their academic planning throughout their
program at Darton State College. Even though advising weeks are scheduled periodically throughout
the year, students are encouraged to discuss any academic problems they encounter with their faculty
Online Only Students
– Darton State College uses a variety of methods to meet with and advise the
fully online, at-a-distance student including phone conferences and webinar technologies. Distance
learning students may identify their assigned academic advisor by following the directions at
http://www.darton.edu/TSD/BannerInst/advisor.php.Additionally, online students may contact their
online support specialist (se
e http://online.darton.edu –Online Support Specialist
) for assistance in
connecting with their advisor, registration, and other online questions.
Two Year Schedule of Classes
- A printed two-year schedule of classes is available in the
administrative and divisional offices on the campus or a
t http://online.darton.edufor online students.
The two year schedule shows a list of planned courses and as such is subject to change. At its sole