EAB Progress Reports

We are continuing to have great success with Early Intervention Progress Reports. This initiative is part of a university wide strategic plan to increase student retention and academic success.  Our Progress Reporting system is an intentional approach to outreach and support of undergraduate students who are struggling academically early enough in the semester to help them find the resources they need to be successful at ASU.

Early alerts are a mechanism for highlighting challenges students are encountering in their classes early enough to connect them with appropriate resources and mitigate poor academic performance prior to mid-term.  The alert mobilizes Student Success to serve as a central point of communication between faculty, the student, and campus resources.  Some alerts will go directly to the student and are monitored by the Academic Advising and Student Success teams, and others turn into cases that require a more extended and involved level of outreach.      

 ASU faculty can gain access to EAB Navigate by visiting https://asurams.campus.eab.com and log in using your ASU credentials.

Staff will follow-up with students to ensure they are taking advantage of the appropriate resources to improve their outcomes.  Yearly reviews, updates, and clarifications of the types of alerts are meant to:    

  • Centralize the case management and follow-up communication lanes
  • Provide more clarity on issues and resolutions
  • Provide improved follow-up to faculty
  • Increase/document student affairs involvement in resolutions
  • Decrease the backlog of alert/case emails that went directly to advisors

Alerts and Outcomes

  • Academic Support Referral:  A student is struggling with the content of the course.  A case is created for further outreach.
  • Attendance/Online Alert (Warning):  Student has 1-2 absences.  An email goes directly to the student with suggested resources.
  • Chronic Absences (Concern):  Student has 3+ absences, has not logged into the class in the past seven days, or has attendance alerts in more than one class.  A case is created for further outreach.
  • Disposition/Attitude:  Student exhibits unprofessional, disrespectful, or hostile behavior towards faculty and/or peers, or faculty is concerned about a persistent lack of engagement or displays of negative emotions.  These are sent directly to the Executive Director of Student Success.  A case is created for further outreach.
  • Failed Quiz/Exam:  Student fails a quiz, exam, or assignment.  A case is created for further outreach.
  • Individual Success Consultation Referral:  Student is having difficulty keeping on schedule, passing exams, or balancing out of classroom demands, or has late assignment alerts in more than one class.  A case is created for further outreach.
  • Late/missed assignment:  Includes in-class or online submissions/discussions.  An email goes directly to the student with suggested resources.  A case is created if alerts are received in multiple classes.
  • No books/class materials:  A case is created for further outreach.
  • Tutor Candidate Referral:  Recommendations to Academic Support of students who are performing exceptionally well in class and would be great candidates for embedded tutoring opportunities.

Submitting Progress Reports (Week 4)

An email will be sent to instructional faculty for the Early Alert Progress Report during Week 4 with a link containing a class roster.

The link will usually only be sent to faculty who teach freshmen or if they teach sophomore students who are on probation. You may also receive a separate request for special populations such as student-athletes or University College.

During Week 4 of the term, faculty are asked to simply select “Yes” for each student that is at-risk to fail their course. It is also necessary to select the appropriate reason(s) that the student is at-risk (i.e, failing exams, missing assignments, chronic absences, etc.). At this point in the term, it is only necessary to identify those who are having challenges with the course. Once the challenges are identified, the appropriate area will receive notification and contact the student.

Early Intervention Reporting Period (Spring 2025)

(Week 4)
Reporting period OPENS on February 3 and CLOSES on February 9.

       Important Fall 2024 Submission Dates (Full Term)

Attendance Verification 

January 23

Progress Report Week 4

February 3-February 10

Mid-Term grade submission

March 17

Final grade submission

May 5


For EAB Support for Questions

Contact Aaliyah Howard at (229) 500-2839 or email: aaliyah.howard@asurams.edu



EAB Progress Report Training Videos


Frequently Asked Questions

Research and best practice shows that Week’s 2-6 of each term are the best time to effectively intervene. Intervention can still be effective later in the term but in many cases, the student is too far behind to catch up.
It is always a good idea to have some early assessment, even if such assessment is not part of the students’ grade. If this is not possible, please pay attention to other warning signs such as poor attendance or missing assignments.
It is ok to provide partial feedback early in the term. In fact, we prefer that during the first 8 weeks you only identify students as At- Risk.  Please wait until week 9 to mark students as Not At- Risk.

It is important that you report issues as quickly as possible after they arise. If a student does not attend class in the first week, please be sure to respond to the initial Early Intervention Academic Alert Progress Report request with a Poor Attendance alert as soon as you can. It is a good idea to submit new alerts each week for any student who has had an issue arise within the last week. The quicker you identify and report an issue, the quicker we can begin working to contact the student and address the problem.

It is only necessary to issue one alert for each individual issue. For instance, if a student is only attending class sporadically during the first few weeks, it is only necessary to issue one alert once you have identified the attendance problem. There is no need to submit additional alerts each time the student misses class. However, if another issue develops, such as a poor test score, then it is necessary to issue an alert for Low Test Scores even if you have already submitted an alert for Poor Attendance.

You can login to Navigate and issue an individual or ad hoc progress report at any time during the semester.

Yes! While Faculty is encouraged to provide timely feedback to their students and offer any help they can, it is also very important to report the issue through Early Intervention. We find that many students will respond to an academic advisor even if they are not responding to their Faculty(s).

No! While mid-term grades do show a student’s performance prior to the end of the semester, at times this is too late for a student to academically recover. The goal of Early Intervention is to get the student back on track before mid-term. However, if the student is still failing at mid-term, the failing mid-term grade is an important notice to the student and advisor they may need to consider next steps for success in the course.