Welcome from the Provost
For more than 100 years, ASU has served the educational needs of southwest Georgia,
the state, and the nation by providing quality educational experiences for students.
We are continuing that legacy in the 21st century with a broad array of graduate,
baccalaureate, associate and certificate programs at our main campuses, as well as
branch sites and online.
As the University's chief academic officer, my main priority is the education of our students. At ASU, we create conditions, opportunities and experiences for our students to be successful both in and out of the classroom. We are dedicated to providing the highest-quality student-centered educational experience, with a focus on world-class instruction, research, global learning and service.
The university's senior leadership team and the university community are committed to improving access and student success. Our focus is on meeting every student where they are and graduating them at unprecedented levels.
ASU is an exceptional institution to receive a premier yet affordable education. I encourage you to take full advantage of the opportunities available to you as you pursue your educational and career goals.
Rhonda C. Porter, Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs