Welcome to RAM Parent University at the Unsinkable and Indestructible Albany State
University. We recognize that parent engagement is important to a successful college
RAM Parent University provides an opportunity for families of incoming freshmen to
ask questions directly from ASU Ramily members to assist their student’s onboarding
experience. We want you to stay informed and in the loop!
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I mail, email, or submit the high school transcript myself?
The guidance counselor can email the transcript directly to admissions@asurams.edu. Sealed copies can be submitted to Ram Central in person. They cannot be sent through the mail except sealed directly from the high school.
How do I submit immunization records?
Immunization records can be sent to admissions@asurams.edu. Georgia residents can provide permission for Admissions to access GRITS via email to admissions@asurams.edu
How long does it take to get a decision after the application has been submitted?
Application decisions can take 4-6 weeks.
How does the HOPE Scholarship work? When do they find out if they have Hope?
After graduation, the GA Finance Commission provides ASU with HOPE eligibility, based on information submitted by each high school.
After enrollment at ASU, HOPE eligibility is determined at the end of every spring semester, and at a student's 30-, 60-, and 90- earned credit benchmark.
When is payment due?
Payment deadlines are established on the Academic Calendar each semester. Although Financial Aid is awarded for an entire academic year, tuition and fees (including housing) are billed separately every semester.
Can we make installment payments?
Yes, please access Nelnet Payment Plans to get information on deadlines and expectations. New payment plans must be set up every semester.
What scholarships are available?
Scholarship opportunities can be found by accessing the ASU Foundation website. Deadlines are generally June 30 and December 18 every year.
My student earned a scholarship outside of ASU. How do we get that applied to the balance?
Make a copy of the award notification and the physical check and email that with the student's Ram ID to bursar@asurams.edu.
Mail the check to ASU at 2400 Gillionville Rd, Albany, GA 31707, Attn: Student Accounts
How do Parent Plus loans work?
Parent Plus Loans are requested by the parents and undergo a credit check. The checks are mailed directly to the parents.
Can you apply work study to the balance?
No. Work-study funds are earned by students for expenses outside of tuition, housing, and meal plans.
How would my student get a work study position?
Students can contact Jonathan Banks at jonathan.banks@asurams.edu to inquire about eligibility for work study.
How can I check the scholarships that were applied to financial aid?
Contact Mr. Christopher Moye at christopher.moye@asurams.edu for scholarship information.
How does paying for college work with the National Guard?
The National Guard pays the tuition for a student and provides a stipend in exchange for duties and training.
Can my student choose their roommate?
We do not currently have a roommate matching service. Students who wish to choose a roommate must enter the housing portal at the same time and choose the same room.
Can students have cars the first year?
Yes. Students must purchase a parking decal each academic year.
Do freshmen have to live on campus their first year?
No. ASU does not require freshmen to live on campus.
What size is the bed in the room?
Beds are Twin XL.
What can we bring for the room?
Please visit What to Bring for a comprehensive list.
What are the cleaning protocols in the residence halls?
Students are responsible for the cleanliness of their rooms. Regular health, safety, and welfare checks are conducted each semester. Students in violation of cleanliness standards will be issued a fine and could be submitted to student conduct for further disciplinary action.
What does an all-access meal plan consist of?
Students receive unlimited meals in the Dining hall.
Will transportation be provided to the West campus?
Yes. Our Ram Rush transports students every 30 minutes between campuses.
Is there a curfew?
While there are no official curfews, residential halls have an established quiet time after 9 p.m. Monday - Thursday.
Is there transportation to Wal-Mart, the mall, or grocery stores?
Albany Transit Authority has regular routes throughout the city. Both campuses are located on established bus routes.
How often is pest control?
Pest control is conducted each semester.
What happens if my child get sick?
Students get standard services that are included with their health fee every semester. A list of services provided can be found here. There is a clinic on each campus that is open from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday.
What mental health resources are on campus and how do students access them?
ASU has a dedicated Counseling and Accessibility Services center, located in the Billy. C. Black Building, Room 170. A listing of available services can be found by going here.
Are there security patrols?
Yes. ASU is monitored by ASU Police Department 24 hours a day.
Do you monitor students 24-7 on campus?
Yes. ASU is monitored by ASU Police Department 24 hours a day.
Are parents notified if their student is in danger?
Parents should download the LiveSafe App to be informed should a campus emergency be declared.
- How do students register for classes?
- Incoming freshmen who have submitted the Intent to Enroll and have completed RAM READY will receive an email from Academic Advising inviting them to schedule an appointment.
Students who have completed these requirements can also call 229.500.2002 to schedule
a registration appointment.
- Incoming freshmen who have submitted the Intent to Enroll and have completed RAM READY will receive an email from Academic Advising inviting them to schedule an appointment.
Students who have completed these requirements can also call 229.500.2002 to schedule
a registration appointment.
When will students learn where their classes are located?
Students can access their schedules by going through the myASU portal, Banner Web, or Navigate360. During Ram Success Week, student leaders conduct campus tours on both campuses and help students understand their schedule.
Do students register every semester?
- How can students change their major?
Incoming freshmen without a schedule can send an email to admissions@asurams.edu with their new major choice. Students must meet the minimum eligible requirements for the new major for this change to be made.Incoming freshmen with a schedule should submit a change of major request by going to Change of Major/Minor/Concentration. Students must meet the minimum eligible requirements for the new major for this change to be made.
- Why was my student admitted to an associates program if they applied to a bachelor's
degree program?
- Students are admitted to the associates program for one of three reasons:
- The student applied for a career associates program in nursing or health professions and have not yet met the pre-requisites and admissions for the program.
- The student applied for a bachelor's degree program but does not have the minimum test scores required for immediate entry into a bachelor's degree program. Students may request to be moved to a bachelor's degree program after successfully passing 30 degree-applicable hours with a cumulative 2.0 GPA.
- The student actually applied to an associates program. Students who meet eligibility for a bachelor's degree may request to be moved to a bachelor's degree program.
- Students are admitted to the associates program for one of three reasons:
Will parents get access to grades?
Students can provide parents with access to mid-term and final grades via FERPA. FERPA is a federal law that provides students with ownership and privacy over their educational records.
- How do students access Banner Web?
- Incoming freshmen can access Banner Web by going through the My ASU Portal or by going directly to https://asuramspc.gabest.usg.edu/StudentSelfService/ssb/studentCommonDashboard.
- Incoming freshmen can access Banner Web by going through the My ASU Portal or by going directly to https://asuramspc.gabest.usg.edu/StudentSelfService/ssb/studentCommonDashboard.
- Are there are academic groups to support the success of our student?
- Faculty office hours are the primary source of help in each academic class. The faculty office hour schedule is located at the top of every syllabus.
- Faculty, learning centers, and peer tutors are available to assist students with academic content on campus. Night Owl tutoring is available in freshman residence halls on Sunday and Wednesday nights.
- Student Success has dedicated support to assist with classroom strategies, studying, and work-life
balance. There is also a first-year peer-mentoring program called Ram Concierge at
studentsuccess@asurams.edu or 229.500.2839.
- Any tips to ensuring Academic Success?
- Attend class, turn assignments in on time, utilizing campus resources, and have a dedicated study protocol for every class.
Please click the links below to view additional helpful information
- For Housing and Residence Life related questions, please visit the asurams.edu/housing
- For Financial Aid related questions, please visit asurams.edu/financialaid
- For Registration related questions, please click here.
- For Career Services related questions, please visit asurams.edu/careerservices
- For Campus Life and Engagement related questions, please click here.
- For Health Services related questions, please click here.
- For Counseling and Student Accessibility related questions, please click here.
- For Scholarship related questions, please click here.
- For Student Success related questions, please click here.