Parking Regulations

Parking color code sign

Students, faculty, staff and visitors may park in any general parking space or in areas where curbs are painted as designated below when permitted to do so. ALL vehicles parking in unauthorized locations are subject to being towed at owner’s expense, i.e., yellow curbs, driveways, fire lanes and service entrances.


Green-Numbered Individuals who purchase a reserved space are assigned to reserved parking are designated a specific parking space. In the event individuals choose to travel to other areas on campus, a general Faculty & Staff space must be utilized. 
Green Faculty and Staff Parking ONLY. These spaces are designated for employees. Students who are employed by ASU in any capacity are not considered faculty/staff and are not entitled to receive permits or park in these areas.
Orange Student Parking ONLY. These spaces are designated for residential and commuter students whom are currently enrolled ASU students who either live on campus or drive to ASU each day. 
White Visitor Parking ONLY. These spaces are designated for individuals who visit the ASU campus and are not currently enrolled ASU students or faculty/staff members. Currently enrolled ASU students, faculty and staff are not permitted to park in visitor parking spaces. 
Blue Handicap Parking ONLY. These spaces are designated for individuals who have a permit which is a valid/lawful handicapped license plate. Only these individuals will be allowed to park in handicapped parking. All others will be subject to citations and towing. 


Tow Policy

The tow program is intended as an enforcement remedy against students, faculty and staff who ignore parking regulations. Vehicles that are parked in tow-away zones will be towed WITHOUT NOTICE. All vehicles towed are subject to fees at the owner’s expense.

Any ASU parking enforcement officer may order the towing of a vehicle for any parking violations and possible revocation of parking privileges on campus. Towing may occur for the following parking violations, but are not limited to:

  • Blocking Driveway
  • Blocking Fire Hydrant/Fire Lane
  • Blocking Entrances/Exits
  • Parking in Handicapped Spaces
  • Parking in Faculty/Staff Spaces
  • Parking in Visitor Spaces
  • Parking in Reserved Areas/Spaces
  • Parking in Service Area
  • Parking in Unauthorized Areas
  • Parking on a Yellow Curb
  • Parking in or portion of NO Parking/Tow Zone


Lot Enforcement

  • Faculty and Staff regular and reserved parking spaces are designated for University employees only, Monday through Friday from 7:30 A.M. - 5:00 P.M. 
  • Citation appeals must be submitted within five (5) business days from the date the citation was issued. An appeal decision will be made within (10) business days from the date of the appeal. If you file an appeal, you will be notified by e-mail when a decision has been rendered.
  • Auxiliary Services will assess citation fines to student and employee accounts for both the current and previous term to ensure accountability. This policy helps maintain responsibility for outstanding citations in a timely manner. However, any citations from two or more semesters prior are not eligible to be assessed to accounts and will not be charged. This approach ensures fairness while encouraging prompt resolution of fines within a reasonable timeframe.
  • Unregistered, improperly registered, unidentifiable, or illegally parked vehicles, i.e., yellow curbs, driveways, fire lanes and service entrances may be towed away, or immobilized at the owner's expense. If a wrecker has been called to tow a vehicle and the owner returns to the vehicle during the process of towing, the must settle with the wrecker services at that time or the vehicle will be impounded.
  • Information regarding towed vehicles may be obtained with the University Police, 229-430-4711.


General Information

  • Faculty and Staff members are required to observe these Lot Enforcements as a condition of employment.
  • Students are required to observe these Lot Enforcements as a condition of attendance at the University.
  • A Parking and Transportation Committee representative of students, faculty and staff shall be appointed each year. This eleven-member ad hoc committee shall be composed of the director of Auxiliary Services, two faculty members, two staff members, two students appointed by the Student Government Association and four members appointed by the Director of Auxiliary Services.
  • This committee shall solicit and study proposals for changes and improvements and shall consider problems of a significant nature affecting the success of the Parking and Transportation program. The committee shall advise on all substantive operational procedures.