ASU Commencement Spotlight: Yo'era Jones, Bachelors of Science in Marketing
Yo’era Jones, an Albany native, will graduate on December 11 with a Bachelor’s degree
in marketing. She is a member of the NAACP, Marketing Club, Pre-Alumni Council, and
Spirit Committee.
What are your post-graduation plans?
I will be moving to West Palm Beach to begin working for Pepsi and applying for Graduate
What do you love most about your chosen profession
I love being able to introduce a better life for myself by managing my money, life,
and work while being able to have fun. I'm excited about working for a big company
like Pepsi.
What motivated you to learn more about your field?
Dr. Seay Earnell inspired me and motivated me daily about how much marketing can be
beneficial later in my future because she knew I love money.
Why did you choose ASU?
It is in my hometown
Who has made the biggest impact on you and who do you consider to be a role model
at ASU?
My parents made the biggest impact on my life growing up and they motivated me to
be the best version of myself. Albany State University’s Photographer, Reginald Christian, has also become a role model for me. He has shown me endless videos about what can
help my future and what are the best moves to make now that can benefit me later.
He highlighted the difference for me between “a 22-year-old with a dream” and “a 22-year-old
with a vision.” I thank Mr. Christian and my parents daily.
What are you passionate about outside of your education?
Making sure my nieces and nephews never have to worry about anything. Loyalty is family
and family is everything to me.
What advice would you give to other ASU students?
Keep striving and never give up. The road is long, and we all have different callings,
but it is all worth it in the end.
What would you say to a High School student about choosing ASU to further their education?
College is what you make it. I picked Albany State University because it was close
to home and I was not ready to leave home yet, but it was where I met lifelong friends,
great teachers, and made great memories. Picking ASU could be the best decision of
your life. I love my HBCU. Thank You again, ASU!