RAM Romance: ASU Love Stories

Albany State University wishes all our alumni couples a Happy Valentine's Day. Below are a few featured RAM Romance stories. 


The Davis Family

Lakeisha “Howell” (‘05, Psychology) and Jermaine (‘04, Computer Science) Davis first met virtually in 1999 in a teen chat room, where they learned they would be attending Albany State University. Their first in-person meeting was in the ASU dining hall, where they chatted for a while. Jermaine had just finished football practice, sweaty with grass in his hair, and Lakeisha was not intrigued. However, Jermaine was persistent in pursuing Lakeisha and asked to take her on a date during summer break, as they both lived in Stone Mountain, Georgia. She obliged and was impressed when he picked her up with a fresh haircut and polo shirt for their movie date. They dated intermittently from 2001 to 2005 and ended up back together in 2008. The pair married in 2009 and have been inseparable ever since. Lakeisha said, “I fell in love with his quiet but observant demeanor, and he can cook! He is definitely the Ying to my Yang. Here we are, 15 years married and loving it!”

Davis Collage

Their relationship advice is to communicate respectfully, have a spiritual grounding, always pray with and for each other, and learn to grow together.

The Brown Family

Michelle “Duncan” (’10, Psychology) and Brandon (’08, Marketing) Brown met under the bridge at ASU. While sitting on the benches, he approached her and her friends, shook her hand, and invited her to his frat party. From there, they became fast friends, finding they shared a love of standup comedy, home-cooked meals, poetry, and old-school music. They also shared many of the same experiences being raised in Southeast Georgia, which deepened their friendship and bond. They showed love by supporting each other’s endeavors on and off campus, having date nights, engaging in community service, and attending church together. They were married in 2010 and have two children, Kenneth and Cari. Since then, they have both obtained master’s degrees in their respective fields, started a gainful family business, and are raising their children to be brilliant, successful, and respected members of society. Michelle said, “ASU helped foster a foundation of love, fun, and freedom to be exactly who we are. Fourteen years later, we are still UNSINKABLE, cherishing our past and fulfilling our futures!”

Brown Collage

Their relationship advice is to put God first, provide a safe space to be open and honest, listen to understand instead of listening to respond, and lead with love first. 

The Walker Family

Betty “Bush” (’69, Nursing Education) and William (’66, Music) Walker met on campus in 1965 when she was a freshman, and he was a senior. They spent countless hours talking about their future and what they wanted for their future. They dated, graduated, and then married in 1969. They have one son, William. The pair have been married for 55 years.

Walker Collage

Their relationship advice is to talk out any problems rather than continue as if none exist.

The Francis Family

Rudene “Elder” (’73, Education) and Julius (’73, Education) Francis met on the campus of Albany State University in the 1970's. They were both education majors and took classes together, resulting in a kindling of flames. Julius and Rudene were in the same music elementary class and were challenged to create an activity as an assignment. Julius decided to make a musical chairs activity, and Rudene volunteered to help him with the assignment. Rudene was the first participant to get put out of the game and fell on the floor. Julius was there to pick her up; they laughed, and the rest is history. Fifty-one years later, they are still holding on to one another and laughing. The pair were nominated by their daughter, Dr. Julie Francis-Pettway, who has a RAM Romance of her own.

Francis Collage

Their relationship advice is that if you keep God as the center of your marriage, your foundation will remain solid.

 The Pettway Family

 Julie “Francis” (’97, Sociology) and Jamie (’17, Criminal Justice) Pettway met at Albany State University in 1995. Jamie contacted Julie's roommate, Marilyn Lane Banks, to inquire about her and asked her to relay a message to Julie, letting her know that he was interested in her. Jamie would run from the football trailers to Gibson Hall to sit and chat with Julie on the square every day after football practice. Those chats became longer and ultimately resulted in a 26-year-long marriage. Dr. Pettway is no stranger to ASU as she serves as the Director of Career Services. Her husband, Jamie, works in the Dougherty County School System. A Golden Ram legacy, Julie’s parents also met at, attended, and graduated from ASU.

Pettway Collage

Their relationship advice is to have a happy wife is a happy life.

The Maddox Family

Reverend Calvin (’71, Music) and Evelyn “Wellons” (’72, Education) Maddox had the pleasure of meeting on the Albany State College (ASC) campus in the fall of 1968. They eventually graduated from ASC and married in 1974. This month, they are celebrating 50 years of marriage.

Maddox Collage

Their relationship advice is to always have the Lord first in all things and keep the lines of communication open.

The Johnson Family

Satin “Smith” ('07, Healthcare Administration) and Germaine Johnson ('03, Criminal Justice) met at Albany State University in 2003 as a second-semester freshman and graduating senior.

Germaine, who played baseball and crossed Omega Psi Phi in 2001, became interested in Satin, an ASU Platinum Diva.

Satin's fellow Diva sister tried to point out Germaine at one of their games, emphasizing his interest in Satin. However, Satin initially declined. The following week, Satin's roommate, who was dating a baseball player, mentioned a handsome baseball player interested in her. To Satin's surprise, it turned out that both friends were talking about the same person. They were married in 2008 and celebrate 21 years of friendship, two kids, and 15 years of marriage. Satin said they are “still just as in love as they were in 2003.”

Johnson Collage

Their relationship advice is that communication is key: Talk about your feelings, expectations, visions, kids, and needs.

The Howard Family

Susie “McRae” ('82, Education) and Marvin ('83, Education) Howard have a love story that began when Susie's brother, Artis McRae, introduced them during their time as singers in the Albany State College Gospel Choir. Marvin, who couldn't sing but joined the choir to be around the ladies, noticed Susie and was captivated by her. Both had recently pledged to their respective Greek organizations, Marvin with Phi Beta Sigma and Susie with Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Initially, Susie tried to deny her attraction to Marvin, not wanting to be tied down. However, Marvin won her over time, and their lives have been inseparable since. They have been happily married for 40 years and have three beautiful children: Jerome, Angel, and Landon. Susie said, “Marriage is a journey that two must take together, so it's important to work as a team and not as an individual.” 

Howard Collage

Their relationship advice is to always keep God first, communicate, and keep the marriage fun.

The Galice Family

Abby “Whiteside” ('19, Social Work) and Blaylor Galice ('21, Accounting) met at Albany State University as student-athletes. Blaylor was a member of the baseball team, while Abby played soccer. The proximity of the baseball and soccer teams, who shared space in athletics, facilitated their meeting. Introduced through mutual friends, Abby and Blaylor instantly hit it off and have been happily married for almost three years. 


Their relationship advice is that shared interests are essential.

The Ferrell Family

Jerecka “Hines” ('12, Social Work) and Jerome Ferrell ('10, History) first crossed paths off-campus in 2009. Their second encounter occurred at ASU's annual Ram Raid in the HPER Gymnasium. Jerome, smoothly flirting, playfully took Jerecka's digital camera and started capturing pictures of random people. They exchanged numbers and connected on Facebook, marking the beginning of their friendship. Their first date occurred in November, and despite Jerome graduating and leaving Albany in Spring 2010, their romance continued to blossom. Distance didn't hinder their connection, as Jerome lived not far from Jerecka's parents' house, allowing them to stay in touch whenever she was back home. The couple were married in 2013.

Now celebrating over ten years of marriage, Jerecka and Jerome are proud parents of two beautiful children, Jailyn (8) and Jeremiah (5).  Jerecka said, “Jerome is truly my best friend! Not just in the sense that we are married and so happen to see each other every day… he is the person I turn to when I’m happy, sad, angry, and everything in between. Because of Albany State University, I found the love of my life!”

Ferrell Collage

Their relationship advice is to find ways to have fun together, such as traveling, playing, dating, and doing things that make one another happy. 

The Jones Family

 Santouria “Eady” ('94, Nursing) and Vincent ('94, Computer Science) Jones met in 1991 in the parking lot of the Multi-Purpose Building at Albany State College. After a long day of class and work-study, the two shared a glance and a smile, which sparked curiosity and led to a deep conversation. Santouria, clad in a Nike windsuit, and Vincent, in skinny jeans and a t-shirt with a Black and Old Gold jacket, were drawn together. They exchanged numbers and began "talking," with much of their courtship revolving around the shared goal of graduation. The lines of commitment became blurred as their relationship evolved. Five years later, they exchanged vows surrounded by family and friends who shared in their Ram Romance. Celebrating 27 years of marriage, Santouria and Vincent are lifetime ASU members blessed with two loving children. Their love story began with a simple encounter lasting several seasons and is now heading towards a satisfying lifetime. Santouria said, “Attending Albany State College was one of the most impactful events in our adult lives. Our college years played a crucial role in building a solid foundation for our union filled with love and admiration.”

Jones Collage

Their relationship advice is to keep other people out of the relationship, discuss disagreements in private, always respect your spouse, trust is vital, discuss your life goals, and communication is key.

The Mitchell Family

Marissa “Mathis” ('20, Political Science) and Terrell Mitchell ('19, Music Education) began their journey at Darton College and continued their education at the Unsinkable Albany State University. The two met on a blind date before they both came to Albany and did not have much chemistry. Terrell recalls seeing Marissa in the cafe about a year later, with her trying to avoid him. However, after two more years, Terrell decided to make one last attempt by messaging her, and this time, a connection was established. They found love at ASU. Conveniently, most of Marissa's classes were in Simmons Hall, while Terrell's were in Holley Hall. Being part of the Marching Ram Show Band, Marissa attended games to watch him play. The day after Terrell's graduation audit was cleared, he proposed to Marissa on campus outside Peace Hall. They welcomed their beautiful daughter while still being students at ASU. Terrell said, “Both of our professors were influential in our success as young parents and college students.” After graduating, they immediately started their careers and got married in 2022. Marissa is a Deputy Court Clerk, and Terrell is the Director of Bands at Mount Zion High School in Jonesboro, Georgia. 

Mitchell Collage

Their relationship advice is to talk to each other every day and be sure to listen, eat dinner at the table as a family, prioritize both of your goals, have fun, and don’t be afraid to laugh with your partner.