Albany State University awarded grants to develop new programs and conduct research
Albany State University awarded grants
to develop new programs and conduct research
ALBANY, Ga. – Albany State University (ASU) faculty and staff members recently received a total
of $1,183,997 in grant funding to conduct research in a number of areas, including
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) research, early childhood literacy, DFCS training, and water planning. The ASU Office of Research and Sponsored Programs facilitates and supports faculty
and staff in their pursuit of external funding for research, training and other scholarly
Here is the list of programs receiving recent funding:
Dr. Ghislain Mandouma
Professor, Department of Chemistry and Forensic Science
College of Sciences and Technology
Received new funding in the amount of $299,921, over a three year period, from National
Science Foundation for the Research Initiation Award: Introducing Electrochemistry
in Hydrophobic Media Using Weakly Coordinating Cations.
The overall goal of the project is to address the nation's shortage in skilled, STEM-trained
workers through training undergraduate students in advanced research techniques, as
well as its need to diversify both the sources and storage of renewable energy. Novel
electrolytes for the future which could impact the nation's renewable energy map will
be developed that will be applicable to a wider range of fields from organic synthesis/catalysis
to biology.
Angelyn Lincey
Director, Early Learning Center
College of Education
Received new funding in the amount of $20,000, over a two year period, from Georgia
Office of Student Achievement for the Albany State University Early Language and Literacy
Grant. The overall goal is address the three of the four pillars of the Get Georgia
Reading Campaigned: Language Nutrition, Positive Learning Climate, and Teacher Preparation
and Effectiveness through the delivery of an early childhood literacy program that
would have on-target language and literacy skills necessary for entry into Kindergarten.
Jamie Swain & Dr. Barbara Nowak
Clinical Field Coordinator & Interim Chair/MSW Coordinator
Department of Social Work College of Arts and Humanities
Received continued funding in the amount of $152,376 from Georgia Division of Family
and Children Services (DFCS) for the Albany State University Title IV-E Program. The
overall goal of this program is to develop an educated and stable workforce committed
to its mission, vision, values, and goals. It is designed to ensure that members of
the DFCS' workforce are prepared to deliver services professionally to the families
of Georgia.
Mark Masters
Georgia Water Planning & Policy Center
Received new funding in the amount of $711,700 from the Georgia Environmental Protection
Agency and GA Rural Water Association for the Agriculture Meter Installation Project.
The purpose of the project is to provide services for the installation of agricultural
water use meters on those agricultural water withdrawals termed “state-funded meter
sites” that do not currently have a meter in the Flint and Suwanee River Basins.
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