Mother and Son Graduate Together from Albany State University
Albany State University (ASU) has always held a special place in the heart of Roderick
Hubbard. Since he was little, he had a deep connection with ASU. He would visit with
his grandmother, former Albany, Georgia Mayor Dorothy Hubbard, who worked at the college,
and his mother, Yolanda Hubbard, who attended as an undergraduate student. The Hubbard’s
have a strong family legacy of attending ASU, which includes his grandmother, wife,
uncle, brother, sister-in-law, and various cousins. The connection deepened on Saturday,
May 6, as he and his mother walked across the stage and earned graduate degrees.
“We are very proud of our daughter and grandson for their achievements. I can’t say enough about the Hubbard family’s belief in lifelong learning and education. They both continue a long legacy within the Hubbard family of obtaining undergraduate and graduate degrees from Albany State University and accomplishing great things. We come from a long line of ASU graduates, and it is important to me that our children, their children, and their children’s children see these accomplishments so they may earn their degrees from ASU as well,” said the family matriarch and former mayor.
This was Roderick’s third degree from ASU, graduating in 2014 with a bachelor’s in middle grades education, and in 2021 with a master’s in educational leadership. This time he graduated with the university’s highest degree offered, the educational specialist in educational leadership. His mother, Yolanda, is also no stranger to an ASU graduation, having received her allied health sciences bachelor’s degree in 2011. She received her master’s in public administration with a concentration in human resources.
During their time enrolled, the pair spent many nights at the table writing papers together and pushing each other not to give up. Roderick even helped his mother adjust to online learning.
“This was an opportunity for us to celebrate our achievements together and reflect on the hard work and dedication that led us to that moment,” said Roderick. “I do believe I’m prouder of my mom than I am of myself.”
For Yolanda, this degree was dedicated to her grandchildren. “After graduation, my grandchildren ran up to us, and said, “You graduated!” This degree is all about them for me. When school and life get hard, I can always remind them that GiGi did it much older, so they can do it too.”
Now, the pair are ready to use their new degrees in their professions. Roderick is the assistant principal at Morningside Elementary in the Dougherty County School System. He hopes to become a principal, move on to district leadership, and teach at ASU. Yolanda works at Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital.
Their time at ASU isn’t over. They plan to support the university as alumni throughout the year. “Albany State University is the best HBCU there is. We must support ASU in every way, not only at Homecoming. Our dear school is truly a union of work and inspiration,” added Roderick.